Saturday, November 21, 2009

No real updates, progress on the gameroom

Well, with fall (winter) setting in, we've lucked out and had a couple of relatively mild weekends the past few weeks, so I was able to get the rest of the insulation installed on the walls, and get the ceiling done and insulated. I'll be posting pics on my ArcadeCrusade page soon. Other than that, not a whole lot going on. I got some keychains made up from KLOV and poster OldTymeToys, you can read all about that here there are also pics of the keychains up on my ArcadeCrusade page...
Even though all of my projects are currently on hold, I have done a little work to the jukebox, and I'm waiting for a copy of the manual to arrive to work on the CD player. Still hope to get that working soon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Auction Results posted, misc crap, more posts coming

Well the 10/10 Belleville auction results are up in the results page, and while it was still a relatively crappy auction, it was an improvement over the last one... so I think I'll still keep going as long as they continue to get better and not worse... This one even had a bit of a "dead row" which is a bargain hunters dream IMHO....
Anyhow, came close to picking up a few things to get outbid at the last minute again, however I did win another jukebox, bringing my juke total to 3... Why buy another juke? Well there's 2 reasons really... First, it was the box I originally wanted to get, the one that plays both CD's and 45's (100 "45's" + a 6 cd changer) AMI Rowe R-92+cd. the second reason is that I picked it up almost full (80 out of the 100 records) mostly working and for the price of $20.
Pics here
I got it home, and the 6 disc player wasn't working, but I just happen to have another 6 disk that was virtually the same model as the one in the unit, so I swapped them out. Now I have a working cd player that the juke controls, but I'm not getting any sound from it, so let the troubleshooting begin. Other than a few adjustments to the tone arm and probably a new needle, the record part seems to work OK... I am concerned with getting no audio from the CD changer, hoping there isn't any amp issues, I will be ordering the manual soon.

In other news, I did throw a 48-1 board in that old Galaxy Games multi... just have a few more things to do to it (new glass art, a couple of cam locks), and to get some real cpo material (threw on some crappy contact paper material I had laying around for the time being) before I'll call it done, but it's getting pretty close. Pics of that project here

Also building a 60-1 with trackball upright, that I'll probably sell. They still seem to be bringing in a decent amount of money so maybe it will help fund some projects that have been on the back burner for a while...

Gameroom construction is slow but steady, hopefully I'll be able to start making progress on it soon as I would still like to get it done this year... It's already cold out though so any thoughts of having nice fall weather to work on it are shot to hell...

That's all I have for now, sorry for the lack of updates lately.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Pics of the Galaxy Multigame

Here's some pics of the Galaxy Multi that I got at the last auction

As you can see I already rotated the monitor so it is oriented vertically rather than horizontal, as I just didn't think I would have any luck finding the original boards for this thing, nor could I think of any good horizontal games I could put in it. I'm thinking a 48-1, replacing the trackballs with joys. Of course I could rig up some sort of Mame setup for trackball/spinner games, like a multipede/arkanoid/whatever, but probably won't.
Hopefully nobody will give me any flack for throwing a 48-1 in this as it sure isn't a classic...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Belleville Auction

Eh. I posted results on the auction page. Couple of comments on the auction. It sure isn't the same without J.R. Not that the other guy is bad or anything, it's just that JR had a personality that was notorious. Oh well. Auction was pretty crappy anyway, nothing there that I really wanted except a fairly nice Suzuku 8 Hrs with 2 working bikes and monitors. Got outbid on it right before he called it for me, and it ended up going higher than I wanted to pay... I did get a 19in cocktail cab Galaxy Games, some goofy bar system, no boards, but 2 happ trackballs. Prolly 48-1 it :D
Basically I'm going to give the auction one more shot, The October one I will be going there with family, to do other stuff as well as go to the auction. Realistically if it's total crap, I can't afford to keep driving the 2.5 hrs each way for some bullsh!t... That may end up being the last one for me.
I hear the Milwaukee ones aren't that bad, maybe I'll give that one a shot...

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Gameroom progress

Well, I got the windows in the gameroom, took a little longer than expected. Pics below...
Still have a lot of work to do while the weather is nice. Basically I have to fill in one window, put up the trim around another window, new entry door, frame up walls, insulate, run electrical, drywall, paint, decorate and move games in... So probably around 2012 I should be ready for an arcade throwdown ;)

Anyhow here's a pic of the front...

Still need to paint the trim around the front window, and put up and paint the trim around another window on the side, hopefully I'll get that done this weekend, along with getting the corners framed up and ready for insulation/drywall...

More progress pics available at my ArcadeCrusade Photo gallery
In other news, there was a chat on Wed night at CoinOpSpace, sounds like it may become a weekly thing, no "Celebrities" this time, just a bunch of gamers hanging out... 9:30pm Eastern time on Wednesdays...
Hopefully I'll have more progress pictures up after this weekend...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Been a while...

Haven't posted anything here in a while because, well, there hasn't been much to talk about. Finally got my joysticks for the Multi-Williams, and they are now installed, though I'm not having much luck getting anyone to print up the art for me...
It's all good though, the weather has been nice (at least to me, some can't stand the heat, I much prefer this to the blistering cold aka anything below 60 degrees) It's summertime again, so I plan on doing more work outside than on games. Of course that doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything Game related, oh no. The construction of the Garage arcade, garcade, den of evil, whatever you want to call it has begun. Pics of the work will be forthcoming, though I am planning on taking my time with this, so I wouldn't expect frequent updates. First up is to replace the windows, and hopefully find a nice cheap window air conditioner unit. Hopefully I'll get the windows done this weekend so I can start on the interior walls.
By the way, just want to throw a couple of arcade related links out there, check out RetroGamingRoundup They got a great little podcast there, featuring an interview with Jeri Ellsworth, who may have the coolest picture I've ever seen:

Since she apparently is from Oregon, obviously that's not her license plate, but kudos to my fellow Illinoisian who owns that plate. Not sure what is cooler, that awesome license plate or that the "Geek Chick" is no longer a mystery like Sasquatch or the Loch Ness Monster. Just want to add that I look forward to their monthly podcasts, though I hardly have time to listen to the whole thing (they usually clock in at about 5 hours a month)
Another shout out goes to GroovyGameGear Been a huge fan of these guys for a while, and purchased several of their products, apparently they have now added the repro Satan's Hollow replacement Joystick plastics to go along with their much appreciated and revered replacement Tron Joystick plastics. Again same situation, color matched, as close to a perfect reproduction as possible, some would argue that they are even better than the original. This one also is available for the low low price of $24.95

Side note, the next Superauctions in the area is scheduled for August 1st at the BelleClaire Fairgrounds in Belleville IL. Apparently the Milwaukee (West Allis) Auction a couple of weeks back was not bad, so hopefully the Belleville one will follow suit and not be a complete waste of time.

Well that's about all the news I have now, stay tuned for photo updates of the gameroom construction.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekly update 4/19/09

Sadly, my last komputer went kaput and I was unable to get the new board up and running in time for the Wiebe chat, so I can't tell you how that went... Fortunately, it looks like the good folks over at CoSp are going to submit the chat transcript to GameRoom Magazine to be published in the near future. Speaking of which, I received my first issue of the magazine and absolutely love it. You can check it out at

Well I have the new MoBo up and running now, just waiting on my new monitor, as my old monitor decided it wanted to crap out about a week before the MoBo did. All in All, not a good couple of weeks in the world of JC :(
Things are looking up though, new MoBo is crankin and new monitor should be here early this week. In the meantime, on a crappy rainy cold Sunday, I decided to revamp the website a bit, so if any of the links are broken, please be patient, it will all be fixed in time :)
Also wanted to add that I posted my Ardac C-Series Change Machine conversion on the site in case anyone with a similar machine was looking to do the same modification, or if anyone was looking for a low cost token dispenser. To me it helps keep the whole authentic arcade ambiance thing going... plus, it sure beats having a bucket of tokens laying around IMHO :)
Started the cleaning process that is going to be the last thing I need to do before remodeling the "workshop" into the "Arcade Room." There's a lot of crap out there that just has to go. I'll be posting the "Before" pictures soon... hopefully it won't take too long before I have "After" pics.

That's about all for right now...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Steve Wiebe Chat on

You all know Steve Wiebe, now chat with him live! Steve Wiebe was one of the stars in the documentary The King of Kong, which pitted him against Billy Mitchell for the best score in the world one of the most popular games every, Donkey Kong. Steve was the first player to record a score of over one million points on Donkey Kong and currently is second, looking to again overtake Billy Mitchell for the top score.

Chat is Scheduled for 7:00 PM PST

More information here

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Belleville Auction one of the worst ever...

No idea why, I would think bad economy, but the prices did not reflect that...
Prices were off the chart, and there were hardly any vids there, let alone any good ones...
I posted the results on my site Here in case you want to see for yourself, and the good people over at hosted some Pictures that were taken at the preview by KLOV forum member Mongo.

As for me I did get one of the things I set out to get as I picked up a Change Machine for $40, and ended up picking up an unusual Stern/Seeberg jukebox for $40 as well. I will post pictures soon...

Edit, here is some pictures of the juke and change machine.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tetris Deconversion (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Multigames)

So the Tetris deconversion has begun, Here's the first pictures :)

Yep it's got a long way to go, but here's what I've done so far...

* Fixed Marquee light (needed a new starter and bulb)
* Installed Board, and wired up additional switches/ Joystick up position
* Installed replacement monitor with much nicer picture
* Ordered Multi-Williams Sideart (Rec'd)
* Ordered Replacement Wico Leaf joysticks (en route)

And here's what is left to do:
* Order Replacement Multi-Williams CPO/ Bezel/ Marquee
* Sand and repaint cabinet, fix bottom.
* Add lock and coin bucket to lower coin door
* Install sideart/cpo/bezel/marquee
* Plug/Redrill CP holes to match MW layout
* Order some replacement leaf buttons (translucent)
* New T-Molding would be nice too...

Auction is coming up soon, and all signs point to my Brother In Law making the journey down to Belleville with me this time, with his truck and trailer.
One week from Saturday, can't wait... Will be posting results here when I get back

Thursday, February 26, 2009

KLOV down, Bored, so here's a few updates.

KLOV being down and all today, I was able to get all of my work done early, so now I'm really bored and patiently waiting for it to return... Before you say go to COSP, It's down too, the sad victim of tremendously bad timing. It's a shame really, as I am a full supporter of, and it's unfortunate that it happened to go down on the same day that KLOV was down for upgrades... I was hoping the downtime would redirect a lot of KLOVers who haven't had a chance to check out the site to give it a look. Oh well, such is life... Either way, if you read this, go give COSP a look :)

Still working on the Barn, it's going to take a while before I would call it a gameroom, but I am slowly working on it. I do have some "Before" pics that I'll post when I get a chance. Got my JROK Williams All In One board, so the Tetris deconversion will begin soon. I have a few home projects I'm working on right now which is slowing things down in the Arcade world, but I hope to have the majority of that completed by this weekend. Once that's done, I move my Tetris cab inside and start work :)
Also coming up rather quickly is the next SuperAuctions event in Belleville, IL. April 4th will be here before you know it, and I will be there hopefully picking up some more additions to the gameroom. Still trying to talk my Pool Table wanting Bro in law (and his large trailer) to make the journey with me down there, so I can walk away with a few pieces rather than my usual haul of one... If not, I'm going to try to find a truck to use...

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Converting the Arcade to tokens

Just completed the conversion of all of my quarter coin mechs to accept tokens. Cadillacman on the KLOV forums wrote up a good tech article, and Jeff Rothe cleaned it up and posted it on his blog Here It was interesting to note that although Cadillacman only shows 3-4 types of coin mechs (there's a lot of different types) I was able to use his information and convert all of mine, I have about 6 different types of Mechs. Quick addition to his info... Asahi Seiko mechs, as used in some nintendo cabs (punch out, playchoice, etc) are almost identical to the newer version of the Coin Controls mechs. Coin Acceptor inc also makes a few types of these quarter mechs, the metal ones are similar to the old style coin controls and the plastic ones are similar to the Happ mechs.
I have a lot of 500 tokens on the way from Steven (Noice87 on Klov) at Token Warehouse that are shipping out tomorrow. All that's left is to get a bill changer machine that dispenses tokens...