Friday, August 07, 2009

Pics of the Galaxy Multigame

Here's some pics of the Galaxy Multi that I got at the last auction

As you can see I already rotated the monitor so it is oriented vertically rather than horizontal, as I just didn't think I would have any luck finding the original boards for this thing, nor could I think of any good horizontal games I could put in it. I'm thinking a 48-1, replacing the trackballs with joys. Of course I could rig up some sort of Mame setup for trackball/spinner games, like a multipede/arkanoid/whatever, but probably won't.
Hopefully nobody will give me any flack for throwing a 48-1 in this as it sure isn't a classic...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Belleville Auction

Eh. I posted results on the auction page. Couple of comments on the auction. It sure isn't the same without J.R. Not that the other guy is bad or anything, it's just that JR had a personality that was notorious. Oh well. Auction was pretty crappy anyway, nothing there that I really wanted except a fairly nice Suzuku 8 Hrs with 2 working bikes and monitors. Got outbid on it right before he called it for me, and it ended up going higher than I wanted to pay... I did get a 19in cocktail cab Galaxy Games, some goofy bar system, no boards, but 2 happ trackballs. Prolly 48-1 it :D
Basically I'm going to give the auction one more shot, The October one I will be going there with family, to do other stuff as well as go to the auction. Realistically if it's total crap, I can't afford to keep driving the 2.5 hrs each way for some bullsh!t... That may end up being the last one for me.
I hear the Milwaukee ones aren't that bad, maybe I'll give that one a shot...