Wednesday, August 01, 2012

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program... bring you the following message.

Dear dumbass eBay Sellers:
Your shitty ass 1977 pong clone consoles are not worth $1000.
Your shitty ass 1977 pong clone consoles are not worth $500.
Your shitty ass 1977 pong clone consoles are not worth $100.
Your shitty ass 1977 pong clone consoles are not worth $50.
Your shitty ass 1977 pong clone consoles are not worth $10.

Now normally I wouldn't complain about such a thing, but since you can't seem to get this through your stupid pathetic little minds, and keep relisting them over and over and over again, completely unaware that the reason nobody is buying them is because nobody wants that crap at any price, let alone the ridiculous amount that you seem to think this "one of a kind gem" is worth, I find it has become necessary to point this out to you.
Not that it will matter. 
You'll go on thinking that you're sitting on a gold mine, and the only reason someone hasn't jumped at the chance is that black guy in the White House (or if you're on the other side, substitute the Prez with those damn tea party obstructionists in congress) has single handedly ruined the economy so much that there is nobody left that can afford this piece of history, (despite the incredibly "reasonable" price you are "sacrificing" it at...
But lets be real here... Even if the item was actually "Like New" (and just for reference, putting a beat to shit item in a plastic bag, and putting it back into an original box that looks like it had been run over by a herd of stampeding cattle does not constitute "like new") as you claim, you would be lucky to get 10% of what you are asking.
Yes, it is true, there are Pong systems out there that can bring a decent price.  An original first run Odyssey (not Odyssey 100-5000, or Odyssey2) can fetch a pretty penny if it is complete.  And something like a Nintendo Color TV Game is highly collectable for collectors of all things Nintendo.  But you don't have a  first run original Odyssey, or a Nintendo Color TV game... you have some shit ass Radio Shack toy that had over 2 million produced, and at least a few hundred thousand (if not more) are currently sitting in closets across this wonderful country waiting for their owners to dig out and throw up on eBay (for way more than they're worth.)

Just so you know, my intentions are honest.  I am not trying to convince you to drop the price, so that I can come in and snatch it up and sell it off at a 1000% profit to my secret connections in the gaming community.  To be honest, I have no intention of purchasing said pong unit.  I have several of my own, and lets be honest, if you've played one, you've played them all.  Not a whole lot of variety there.  Hey, you can even add me to your list of unapproved bidders if you want.  All I am trying to do is give you a bit of reality here, and maybe save you a bit of cash (those eBay fees have got to be a killer)
So with that, I bid (no pun intended) you good luck in your future endeavors, and hope that just maybe a bit of this will sink in.
A guy who knows just a couple things about collecting video games.

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